Name : Arlo Griffin

Face claim : Jake Sim
Side face claim : Lee Jeno, Hwang Hyunjin, Mingyu

MBTI & sign : INFP - Libra

Love language : Physical touch, words of affirmation

Arlo Griffin atau yang kerap disapa dengan panggilan Arlo, saya menggunakan Jake sim sebagai face claim.

I'm an INFP person and my love language is physical touch & words of affirmation. Saya orang yang mudah menyesuaikan diri dengan orang lain. easy going, convobuilder, tidak judgemental serta pendengar yang baik adalah nilai plus dari diri saya, menyukai berbagai genre movie dan musik. Jadi jangan takut kehabisan topik karna saya mempunyai 1001 pembahasan yang mungkin akan menarik. tenang, saya bukan orang yang kaku, saya memiliki sifat humoris. we can spend our time talking about anything like movies, music, books, KPop, dramas, or breaking news. and there's some things I like, I really into MCU, even words can't explain how I love Marvel Cinematic universe, I also love Harry Potter so damn much, saya jadi potterhead sudah lebih dari 5 tahun so if you want to talk about that, I'd be great!

Selain hal hal diatas, saya juga memiliki beberapa keunikan dimana sebagian orang jarang menyukainya, seperti seni, saya sangat suka jika sudah dihadapkan dengan seni, apalagi melihat lukisan lukisan ataupun sastra. intinya, seni adalah hidup.

1. Respect each other privacy.
2. Availabel on BxG, BxB (switch), bestie rent, and brother rent.
3. Working hours at 10:00-22:00.
4. Platform : Twitter, Telegram (don't request)
5. If i do something that makes you uncomfortable, please let me know.
6. Payment first using ShopeePay, Gopay.
7. I can't stay on my phone 24/7 but i'll reply to ur message as soon as possible.
8. The customer is required to fill out testimonials at the end of the rent time.
9. No refund or cancel, we can do reschedule.
10. 2 weeks for maximum rent
11. Provide OTP/VN

15k/3 days30k/3 days50k/3 days

Hourly : 5k/ hour

> Regular
req pet name, free req ava and typing
free req ava, pet name, typing, and face claim, only serve you in one platform, and sposess for 1 hour.
request pet name, free req ava, typing, and face-claim, only serve you at all platforms (you can choose 2 platforms), movie date, and sposess for 1 hour, PDA at twitter.

Bestie3k/ hour6k/ day10k/ day
Brother4k/ hour8k/ day12k/ day

only serve you in one platform, free watch movie; max 2 hours.

Additional Services
Request face-claim : 2k/ session.Stay up late : 5k/ hour (start when my work hour ends)Public Display of Affection : 5k/ session, includes put your name on bio, and interact at timeline.Movie date : 5k/ 2 hours on rave (the movie is from customer)Spotify session : 4k/ hourStudy date : 5k/ hour (via zoom/gmeet)OTP : 5k/ hourVN : 4k (2 bubble chat)Food date : bills on youArts date : bills on youOTP ONLY : 4k/ 30 minutes


Nickname :

Platform & ID/usn : (twitter, tele)

Rent type : (Hourly/ Regular/ VIP/ VVIP)

Rental purpose : (CA, FA, RP)

Request ava : [insert the picture you want]

Request pet name :

Reequest face-claim : (for VIP & VVIP ONLY) [regular type of rent will incur additional fees]

Relationship : (BxG/ BxB [switch])

Starts - Ends :

Detail about yourself :

Typing :

Do :

Don't :

Payment :

Additional service :


Nickname :

Platform & ID/usn : (twitter, tele)

Rent type : (hour/ Regular/ VIP)

Starts - Ends :

Brother/Bestie rent :

Detail about yourself :

Do :

Don't :

Payment :

Additional service :